
Hi there! 

My name is Ole Lensmar, I'm the creator of soapUI and the Chief Architect at SmartBear Software. I'm passionate about most things related to software development; designing, coding, testing, deploying - you name it - and I'll be sharing thoughts, ideas and woes from my day-to-day work on this blog - please don't hesitate to comment, follow or complain :-) 

Thanks for your time! 



  1. Hi Ole,

    Nice Blog. I enjoyed reading the Plug Ins - Groovy console. I was looking for ideas on how to integrate SOAPUI test cases with TestLInk Test managment application. I assume I'd have to create Groovy Scripts / class to Create Test in TestLink, and Send Result via scripts using API.

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah, that sounds reasonable - I guess you could have a TestCase property in SoapUI containing the ID of the corresponding Test in TestLink to make the association when reporting results!? Let me know if you need any specific help forward. We've actually used TestLink quite a lot ourselves for Test Management :-)


    2. I am looking for soapui- testlink integration, exporting results to testlink after each run, any information will be helpful.

  2. Wow, good to know author of SoapUI used TestLink. It will be great for TL if you can post on www.teamst.org

    Francisco Mancardi - TestLink Team Leader

  3. seems the Groovy console did not work anymore :(
